Zen Be With You Painting by Enzie Shahmiri

I love doing Yoga and have converted one of the kid's bedrooms into a exercise room. I have been meaning to paint a new painting for that room for quiet some time now and created "Zen Be With You" for just that purpose. The color palette is a kept in warm brown tones, however there are hints of ochre, red and even blue and green. 

The pose of the upheld hand signifies the gesture of coming to a halt and it reminds me of Namaste. Namaste represents the belief that there s a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra.  It's an acknowledgment of the soul that resides within us. To me children signify purity and honesty, just ask a kid  about an opinion and you usually get a brutally honest answer. The flower signifies the passage of time and spiritual growth. 

I also sell a variety of paper and canvas prints of this painting, just click the image for pricing.

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