🛠️ Rev Up Father's Day: The Ultimate Garage Kit Bash! 🛠️ Chest of Drawers DIY

These are the pieces for the chest which will have three deep drawers that can be opened. They will be filled with some mechanical parts you might find in a garage.

Todays trick is using foam to line the drawers. The foam will quickly fill up the drawer and this way you can arrange fewer items, yet give the empression that the drawers are filled. Take one of the drawers out, turn it around and cut a piece of foam the same size as the underpart of the drawer. Then glue it inside the drawer. Here I used two pieces of foam to get the height I needed. Then bits of jewelry supplies were used as fake mechanical parts. Again I scuffed them up so they don't look all quiet as shiny and new for a more convincing look.

Sharpies, Acrylic paint, even pastels work great to add just the right amount ofaging. In my case these drawers will never be opened entirely, so giving the illusion that there are mechanical parts in the drawer is enough. It is important to think about variety though, because it just makes the filled drawer look more interesting.

Once everything is in it's proper place inside the garage I might come back and tweak the color some more using oil paints. I use the same trick when I am working on my life size pet portraits. By repeating the colors in the entire diorama throughout visual harmony is created.

So here is another little painter's trick. Did you know that our brains play tricks on us. A seamstress will immediately recognize the snap fasteners, a jewelry will recognize bit of jewelry pieces and a person who tinkers around in garage will read the pieces as coils, hub caps and whatever looks familiar or recognizable. Isn't that cool?!

The video shows the entire progress and I hope that you will enjoy watching it.
Here are the links to the DIY post:
5. Peg Board
6. Tire Rack
9. Storage Rack
10. Chair
11. Storage Boxes