Project Participant - Orange County Register

OC Register

My "ripple effect" theory has been put to the test and has proven to work like a charm!

I had a little visit from Ms. Molina, the community reporter for the

Orange County Register

, which is "THE" paper for southern California. I was a bit surprised to receive an email from her asking if I wanted to be interviewed and just had to ask how she learned about the Darfur Fundraiser. It turns out that Ms. Molina read about it through one of the project supporters posts on-line and wanted to find out more about the project. Now how cool is that?! Over 1.2 million adults have read OC Register print or online in one week, which only means that this auction might actually stand a chance at being successful!

She will help us all raise awareness by spreading the word about the Darfur fundraiser on two fronts, on-line and through print.

As soon as it appears, I will post it! She did not remember on whose site she saw the post, but regardless

without "YOU - my project supporters", this coverage would not have come about. Thanks!

Thank You Ms. Molina for joining in the"

Aid Darfur Project


Please join this cause by posting this picture on your blog!

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