Founder and President of Southern California American Society of Portrait Artists
In 2002 frustrated with the lack of a local organization that promotes portraiture I took it upon myself to contact the Amercian Society of Portrait Artist and founded with their approval an
affiliate local chapter called Socal - ASOPA (Southern California - American Society of Portrait Artist). View event photos.
As founder and president of this non-profit organization monthly paint out sessions where offered to local artists interested in learning portraiture.
What made the activities such great fun was the participation and enthusiasm of the entire membership, who helped with set up, brought drinks and food for the luncheons and just created a welcoming atmosphere for all.
The chapter offered a variety of lectures and workshops by well known portrait artists such as Mrs. Peggy Baumgartner (view workshop photos) and Mrs. Chris Saper (view workshop photos
). These artists traveled from different states to conduct week long workshops for our members.
Every month I wrote a newsletter for SoCal-ASOPA. Member news and events that SoCal-ASOPA hosted were featured. There were always members who gave it there all and helped with the activities, which deserved to be recognized.