🎸 Step into the heart of Nashville with Roberts-Western-World! 🎸 Building the Stage

Robert's Western World Miniature Stage
Work continues on Robert's Western World roombox with creating the stage. I have decided to make the stage out of styrofoam since it will not add much to the weight of the box. It also is a great medium for shaping the stage into the shape I need it to be. I am super busy right now so, I will leave you with the video showing the built process.

Robert's Western World Miniature Stage by PortraitsbyNC The stage is starting to come together :)

You can view how all the other items were made by clicking on the links below:

Construction of the Wood Panel Wall

Making of Entry Door and Windows

Building the Stage and Speakers

Making the Honky Tonk Piano

Making the Ceiling Fan

Making Tiny Cowboy Boots

Miniature Bar Stools and Tables

Miniature Coffe Maker

Miniature Grill Station

Miniature Guitars

Miniature Bar 

Entire video


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