Submersible Lights with Remote Control

submersible lights

Besides the lights in the pool, there are many fountains in my garden that are lit up during the evening with the help of submersible lights. I purchased this particular light via Bohuikang for review purposes and was pleasantly surprised to see how bright the light were.

The controller offers 16 different settings such as White (W), Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B) and other mixed colors. It has 4 dynamic lighting modes: flash, strobe, fade, and smooth. You can even adjust the brightness by pressing the buttons up or down.

lights for fountains

The company states that this is a multi-purpose Home Accent Light which can be used as a  bathtub light, indicator light, night light, novelty light.  For Party/Event Illumination (flower arrangement, table settings, ice sculptures, crystal vases, etc. Holiday Accent Lighting (swimming pool, pond, ice bucket, fountain, waterfall, etc. .

Before using the remote controller, take out the plastic  above the battery button. The install three AAA batteries and tighten the cap (clockwise rotation) before placing it under water. Otherwise, water can erode the light and the battery won't work. The LED lights worked well  when submerged. There is a clear waterproof ring along the seal of the battery compartment to keep it water tight. When the battery runs out, the lights stay stuck in red and won't switch between the colors, however mine is still new and I did not have to replace anything as of yet. The light is available via Amazon.

submersible light

Even during the day the lights are quiet bright and work very well. I like that there are so many different settings available, so that you can use the lights for different occasions. 

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