Patio One - Fisher Price 2005 Mattel Loving Family Grand Mansion Renovation Part 2

Creating the patio texture

The Fisher Price 2005 Mattel Loving Family Grand Mansion  has  two patios on the upper level. One has double doors leading to the exterior and the other just a large window. The space is ideal to create a small outdoor seating area, but it needs major enhancements. 

grey pastel

As with the rest of the house the pink original color of the patio was covered with several coats of a white chalk paint. Then I used pastels in different grey and brown tones and randomly applied the colors. 
The pastels sit on top of the rocks and do not go into the grooves. I let gravity help me by using a very dark grey watercolor paint that was diluted in water.  The key for a natural look is to stay random and avoid the temptation of drawing lines. By letting the water carry the paint in the grooves come areas are darker than others, yet a line is naturally created. A glossy final varnish finished the look of the floor.
patio floor


By adding some outdoor furniture this space has taken on an entirely new look. I will be 3D printing some railings later on and need to work some more on the double doors. 

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Patio dollhouse
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