How to Make a Miniature Carpet the Easy Way

Miniature French Style Carpet There are many way one can make a miniature carpet and today I am sharing an easy way to get that carpet look with very little effort.

stamperia scrapbook paper

When I first saw the Princess papers by Stamperia I fell completely in love with all the beautiful colors and patterns. It is an extremely feminine looking assortment and I thought perfect for my Chateau . As you can see in the photos I even used the papers as wall paper. 

However for this project there were some cards that I though look great as carpets. You can get the same look with almost any type of card stock. Just cut your image out and then ever so slightly bend the paper to give it a more worn look. 

I used a coat of Golden Gel Medium over the card and then further gave the piece a bit of crunching up. The gel medium gives the paper a bit more protection while bending it around. 

After that I took a colored pen in a dark brown and gently moved it over the paper's edge to hide the white. 

Making rug fringe

For the fringe I used darning wool , which is a 4 ply thread usually used for mending socks. I separated the strands and tied a knot in the center about half way down the desired fringe length. 

The knot gives the illusion of the thread having been woven to the carpet and makes for easier gluing. 

fringe thread

One I had knotted and cut enough pieces I started to glue the knotted parts next to each other. Any tacky glue like Aileen's Tacky glue works well. At this stage the fringe will be a bit uneven, but that's ok we will cut it straight later on. 

carpet fringe

After the first layer is down wait for the glue to set a bit and then add more to get a fuller fringe look.

cutting carpet fringe

I did not want a very full carpet fringe and started to cut the fringe to the length I liked. Make sure to repeat the steps for both ends of your carpet.

french carpet in room

I love the way the colors of the wallpaper are repeated in the carpet and think that it gives the room a lived in and cozy feel.
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