Garden Delights

Tree Grafitti

Photo Enzie Shahmiri There is a lovely park close to our home that we sometimes go to for a nice long stroll. It seems every time I am there something...

Tree Grafitti

Photo Enzie Shahmiri There is a lovely park close to our home that we sometimes go to for a nice long stroll. It seems every time I am there something...

Built me a Nest

horse hair nest,  by sandig.urbanspace. Spring is here and I see birds flying from here to there carrying all sorts of little twigs and branches fro their nests. Apparently this...

Built me a Nest

horse hair nest,  by sandig.urbanspace. Spring is here and I see birds flying from here to there carrying all sorts of little twigs and branches fro their nests. Apparently this...

Shades of Purple

Photo by Enzie Shahmiri I have decided to slow down, put the brushes aside and just enjoy life a bit. So while I snack on my Bon Bons, I dream...

Shades of Purple

Photo by Enzie Shahmiri I have decided to slow down, put the brushes aside and just enjoy life a bit. So while I snack on my Bon Bons, I dream...

Blurred Vision

When Spring arrives, the house becomes just one large indoor/outdoor open space. This means of course that windows have to be spot less so that the illusion works. Of course...

Blurred Vision

When Spring arrives, the house becomes just one large indoor/outdoor open space. This means of course that windows have to be spot less so that the illusion works. Of course...

Anti Aging for a Gardners Hands

Image by Okinawa Soba via Flickr There is no other season than Spring, where a gardener's hands are in constant need of some tender, loving care. As you clip, prune...

Anti Aging for a Gardners Hands

Image by Okinawa Soba via Flickr There is no other season than Spring, where a gardener's hands are in constant need of some tender, loving care. As you clip, prune...

Flowers of Persia

When my family moved to Iran, we stayed at my grandparents home. Their home was situated in a very narrow alley way, which was lined by huge walls. At the...

Flowers of Persia

When my family moved to Iran, we stayed at my grandparents home. Their home was situated in a very narrow alley way, which was lined by huge walls. At the...

Meet the Artist

"My Name is Enzie (NC) and I am a multi disciplinary artist based in southern California, USA.

I specialize in hand painted life-size pet portraits and custom-made miniature dioramas in various sizes.

Visit my blog to see what I am currently working on."

