Flowers of Persia

When my family moved to Iran, we stayed at my grandparents home. Their home was situated in a very narrow alley way, which was lined by huge walls. At the end of this alley you would come to a set of stairs that would lead up to a very unassuming wooden door.

Photo: Tilo Driesse

Once you passed through the doorway you would be greeted by the splashing of water in a small pool and the fragrance of a medley of flowers and "shah toot" Mulberry trees.

Isfahan_Chehel Sotun_toot (mulberry) tree by adella ladjevardi.Photo: Adella Ladjevardi

For me setting eyes on this garden was like love at first sight. I was awe struck, and all this beauty and to this day believe that I owe my love for gardening and water fountains to this first encounter.

Roses, ranunculi, anemones, muscari, tulips, irises, and eremurus are a few plants that are indigenous to Iran, which have been translated into western gardens or are, at least, the ancestors of cultivated plants. Source: Gardens of Persia

Heavens Flower Framed

In Farsi flowers are galled 'gol' and in Persian poetry a beloved's attributes are often identified with 'gol', the flower, - the rose.

Here is my tribute "Heavens Flower" from the Gardens of Persia Series 6x6 in oil on panel available via my Store

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