Problem Solving for Oil Painters
Last week a new student was being shown what type of progress she can expect to make after receiving private tutoring from me. While she was admiring my work, I pointed out all that which could have been done better in retrospect. The untrained eye does not see the way an artist has to see and this is what I was trying to point out to her. There is always room for improvement and for an artist who is trying to replicate nature, it is a daunting task that requires deligent refinement of skills, proper tools and most importantly knowledge that can be gained by the experience of the Old Masters.
Every painting creates new challenges and I have found this book to be a great source on reading up what to look out for and what to avoid.
In the quest of always improving each new painting, Gregg Kreutz examines for the reader the characteristics of a superior painting and shows through examples what distinguishes one work from the another.
The image reproductions are superior and the text easy to understand.