Cat under Umbrella

Woo hoo ~ I am finished! I have considerably lightened just about everything and finally figured out what was bothering me so much. Parts of the muzzle were lost in the reference photo and I had to look at some more cat photos to figure out what I was missing. I also worked the nose up so it's no longer lost in all that dark fur of the face. Now it's time to show the painting to my client and hope that she is happy with the end result. Next in line is a large multi dog portrait. :)

Detail of the head
I just realized that my Easy Up cast a funky yellow cast on the painting. I really need to get a new top for it. It has seen better days, but it's nice to work outside and have some sun protection.

Cat under Umbrella
The weather is so warm outside that my studio feels like an ice box in comparison. So today I set up my Easy Up tent outside and moved the French Easel outside as well to work. My client wants the umbrella lighter and I have been hard at work on this kitty.

I lightened up the fur to give it more definition and I am going to concentrate on the nose again. Some paintings come together very fast and others like this one give me trouble. Something was bothering me anout this kitty and I can't let her go until I get that resolved. Post again soon :)