Adding Life to the Exterior: Climbing Vines and Blossoms for the Doctor’s Office

I'm currently working on the exterior of the doctor’s office, and I couldn’t resist giving it a little touch of nature! I decided to frame the front with climbing vines and add extra flowers to soften the look. I love when a diorama looks beautiful from every angle, so creating this charming flower-filled exterior has been such a joy.

To make the flowers, I used air-dry clay and made molds of each flower, which helped me quickly create duplicates—definitely a time-saver! The little flower bed is coming to life, and I’m absolutely loving how it’s turning out. Stay tuned for more updates as this cozy scene grows! 🌿
#MiniatureGarden #TinyDiorama #MiniatureFlowers #DollhouseDecor #HandmadeMiniatures #MiniatureArt #AirDryClay #DioramaDetails #MiniatureCrafts