Wesley the English Bulldog

Wesley an English Bulldog
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. I was so crazy busy with getting last minute orders out that I hardly had time to do Christmas shopping. Thank god for on-line ordering :) Well it's back to painting for me and today I like to introduce Wesley an English Bulldog. His owner wants the dog painted without the cape and I have been wondering what sort of color scheme to use for the background. Here is the 1st rough and more shall follow as the painting progresses. You can subscribe to follow the painting progress and even have a chance to win a free portrait.

I like to use the colors in the fur and body for the background because as the paint gets layered more and more depth is achieved and the painting will harmonize nicely. Now I need to see what my client thinks of this color scheme.

Sneaking in Color
This stage is when I have the most fun. The under layer is a great time to sneak in colors one would never expect to find to give that extra umph one the glazes go on top.

Color Corrections
Now some of the pinks in the background were blended in to achieve a calmer, more neutral looking background. I have worked on the body and brought in more of the fur. Pretty soon I will have to set the painting aside to let the paint dry and start working on the fine tuning of the overall painting.

English Bulldog Head Detail
I need to let the painting sit, so this will be the last post for this painting until it is completely finished. This gives me a chance to start on another commission and come back to the painting with a rested eyes to see what else could be made better.

English Bulldog Portrait

I just mailed off Wesley the English Bulldog. A lot of fur texture was added and I spend some time working more detail into the darks. Here is a shot of the finished painting on canvas.