Great Uses for Up Cycled Wallpaper for Craft Projects

After seeing documentaries about the piles of garbage we accumulate and the harm it does to the environment, I decided that I will try to up cycle whenever possible. As a crafty person, I already give new life to many things that someone else might throw into trash and have learned over the years that one only has to change once perspective and look at this old stuff and see it's potential. This is the case with old wall paper. Let's face it at one point you thought it was pretty, that's why you put up on your walls, right?
Most likely you also purchased more than you needed just in case you might run out. So where are those left over rolls? Have you trashed them or are they collecting dust somewhere? Why not take them out and up cycle them?
In today's post I will show you some clever ideas how to make use of those old rolls.

How to Make Gift Wrap and Bows
Tip for using wall paper as gift wrap. First cut off a smaller more manageable size of the roll. Once you have the desired size use the back of a knife and score the paper along the fold lines. Wall paper can be stiff and this makes folding the edges much easier.