Vintage Tin Sand Bucket

Vintage Sand Bucket Oil Painting by Enzie Shahmiri width=

"The Vintage Sand Bucket"

9 x 12 inch

Oil on Canvas

Original for Sale -

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Canvas and Paper Prints available


The "Vintage Tin Sand Bucket" is finished and has taken it's place among my new "

Beach Series

". The series is compromised of some older commissions and new work, related to life on our sunny coast. Once the painting is further along it is not that easy to catch the tweaks, but believe me I tweaked a lot. The bucket is sitting on a desolate beach, which was done on purpose to grab the viewers full attention. It's a play on the little boy waving his hat and the little girl looking a bit worried. "Don't leave us behind!"

Each year our beaches are littered with items left behind by visitors. When we experience rain storms everything that litters our streets gets washed away towards the oceans and joins the already discarded or forgotten items on the beach. This creates a real environmental problem, turning beach areas into dumping grounds and causing harm to wildlife. So before you head home, please turn around and make sure you have not left anything behind. Let's all pitch in and keep our beaches litter free!

Handle Detail

I am almost done with the vintage tin sand bucket and wanted to show some of the progress I have made. I added some discoloration/rust on the inside of the bucket. Such a toy would have been used and even if it was in a fairly mint condition some wear and tear should be considered normal. A bit of peeling paint on the handle and slight discoloration at the bottom of the pail are indicators of it's age, yet they are subtle enough to not distract from the painting.

Vintage Sand Bucket Painting Progress3

I am still not happy with the beach and ocean scene in the background and will need to spend some more time with the background. It's easy to go overboard with this stuff, but I think foreground, middle ground and background are now well defined.

Sand Detail

Here you can see the texture of the sand. What I like about it is that depending on the light in the room the shadow cast by the granules changes as well.

Vintage Sand Bucket Painting Progress2

Some more work was done on the painting. Now you can see how the textured sand was incorporated into the landscape. Note how there sand grains are clustered towards the front on the canvas and decrease as the sand recedes in the picture plane. I will need to further work on contrast to and on toning down the color. Somehow now that I look on the image on-line the sand is too chromatic.

I also decided to add a bit of ocean in the very far background to make the transition from sand to sky more interesting. The bucket got another coat of color and I am now working on stressing it to make it look old. Usually the edges, to and bottoms are the areas that show the most wear and tear.Some carefully placed blemishes on the front, where the kids are should complete the feel of the bucket having been played with a lot. What do you think? Do you like the new revisions?

Vintage Sand Bucket Painting Progress1

I have started a new painting called the "Vintage Tin Sand Bucket". My aim is to create a vintage looking sand bucket and use the juxtaposition of the flat print of the kids scene against a realistic looking vintage bucket on a real looking sandy beach. This painting will be a compliment to two other pieces, but more about those later.

To start I decided that the bucket shall be the focal point and started to apply the base color. several years ago I added Texture Gel Resin Sand by Liquitex to a painting with great success and decided to use it in the foreground. Thats the white stuff you see up front. Of course all this is still in the early stages and will get incorporated into the painting at successive layers.

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