Sharpei Mix Portrait

Each year approximately 1.5 million animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats). It seems like animal shelters have revolving doors as abandoned and lost pets make their way through these centers. The somewhat better news is that approximately 3.2 million shelter animals are adopted each year (1.6 million dogs and 1.6 million cats). About 710,000 animals who enter shelters are reunited with their owners.
I am always happy when I hear that someone has adopted a pet from a shelter. For the dog or cat, this means life outside of a small enclosure. This new portrait commission of a Shar-Pei mix is such a sad story that found a happy ending. My client told me that her friend adopted this dog from a shelter in Hawaii. Just looking at the shelter photo makes me feel so sad to imagine what this poor baby must have gone through.