Moroccan Man

Signed bottom right Fortuny/ R. 1869
Moroccan Man/Un Marocain, 1869
Watercolor on paper, 1869
32 x20cm Watercolor on paper

("...this watercolour serves as a sort of preview of the brilliant luminosity that wll be seen in the works executed after the painter´s visit to Granada in 1870...The figure is shown leaning against a light coloured wall...Fortuny´s mastery in the representation of varied textile as well as in the flesh tones of the figure is clearly manifest in this piece...this composition can be considered among the masterpieces of the Catalan painter in watercolour medium." Source: Joan Miquel Llodrá Grandes Genios del Arte Contemporáneo Español - El Siglo XX FORTUNY p. 84)

This translated text and image have been kindly provided by Carlos Ygoa.
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