Tarrot Cards

Persian Playing Card1

Since "The Fortune Teller"in my new painting needs some playing cards, I went searching for some ideas. I love the artwork on Tarrot cards.

Ideally they should be a bit Middle Eastern in design and as luck would have it I found these:

These cards are being sold through

Carta Persia

Persian Playing Card2

The actual and authentic history of playing cards only goes back about five hundred years, and various theories have been noted as to the source from which Europe obtained them. It is an established fact that in past ages many eastern peoples, notably those of India, China, and Chaldea, possessed cards which differed materially both in use and design from those known in the West at a later date. It is impossible to trace these prehistoric beginnings of card-lore, but there seems little doubt that the Wise Men of eastern lands regarded their cards with none of the contempt usually bestowed upon them in the West. They held them in high esteem as mediums for the partial revelation of the Unknowable, and included them as a part of their mystic lore. Source:

Sacred Texts

Meaning of some Tarrot Cards:

The Devil- Making you look at yourself and the demons that haunt you. Meaning looking at your negative emotions, such as jealousy, vengeance, fear, which prevent you from being successful and moving forward in life.

The Tower - Do not let financial success or material possessions create compliance. It's a warning to treasure what you have and not take things for granted.

The Stars - Wish for the stars and follow a chosen path to reach your goals.

Here is the finished painting ...

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