Sudanese Girl Slide Show

The painting of Amal is drying again, so that gives me time to start on the Darfur project. I love it when I have more than one painting in the works, so much better than watching paint dry!

Anyhow, I love the way the diagonals of the tree trunk work with the figure, so I didn't change anything and went straight to sketching the figure on the gessod canvas. I tried three coats of gesso this time, to see if I get an even smoother surface to work with. Then I mixed Raw Umber with Medium and a drop of clove oil and spent the entire day massing in the values. The paint is starting to dry, but I think most of the important elements are in place.

Here are the links to different posts about this project:

Aid Darfur - United Nations
Darfur Fundraising Project
1st Color Application
Another Color Application
Darfur Project continued
Darfur Project finished
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