Siegi - Portrait is Finished

© Enzie Shahmiri
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I have finished the portrait of Siegi ahead of schedule. I have to say that this portrait represented some new challenges. When a woman is a certain age, lines and wrinkles might add character, but they are not exactly flattering. When you are dealing with a person who is very socially active and takes great care of her appearance, it is best to not depict every wrinkle. My goal was to make the portrait flattering, yet a honest enough portrait of a woman in the prime of her life.

© Enzie Shahmiri
Update: My client requested another update and I figured I might as well post the latest
version of the painting. I mixed in more Grey in the background to make it recede and not compete with the head. Some work was done on the outfit and neck. By making sure that the neck is considerably darker - in shadow - the face will pop more. The glasses are rimless and are casting shadows on the face, plus doing some optical tricks, such as making certain areas pop out more. It's been quiet a challenge to figure out what's going on there, but that's what painting is all about.

© Enzie Shahmiri

© Enzie Shahmiri
I applied the first layer of color rather thinly this time, because my reference photo is too yellow in tone. I am sort of fumbling around for the right skin tone, before applying paint more heavily. Siegi is rather fair skin with a lot of red pixelation and very reddish hair. I have to be very careful with the tones here so it looks natural.

© Enzie Shahmiri
I am squeezing in a new portrait request which is intended as a birthday surprise for someone special. This little painting measuring 8" x 10" inches will be done in oils on canvas.
If you like to order a similar portrait click below for size and price options.