Pilot Portrait

Pilot with his Dog

When my client contacted me she said that her friend has a dog he always takes along when he flies in his plane. When she showed me the reference photo I said this is a painting that should be showing both the pilot and his faithful flying companion. I made a few changes and took out some distracting elements and basically ended up with a close-up of the two wearing their headsets in the cockpit of the plane. 

Dog wearing his headphones

Just a portrait  of a dog wearing headsets would not make as much sense as him seated behind the pilot. Sometimes it is well worth adding the narrative that offers an insight to the portrait. 

Pilot Portrait

Can you see the pilot's hands in the reflection of the glasses? He took a selfie and I blurred his hands tho such a degree that it is not visible right away, unless you really look closely. 

If you like to order a similar portrait click below.

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