OC Life Featured the Darfur Fundraiser

OC Life Premier Issue

OC Life magazine(former OC PC) featured an article about the Darfur fundraiser in their October issue. This is a beautiful magazine full of high gloss images and great articles of what is going on in and around Southern California.

I happened across a documentary film on TV about the crisis in Darfur. This documentary was filmed a couple of years ago and it really saddened me when I realized that the plight of these poor people has really not changed.

Imagine living in fear of your life on a daily basis, having lost your entire family, your home, your dignity. Without access to clean water (wells were poisoned) cattle can not be kept, thus villages can not be sustained. Without any money or other resources these people are doomed to live out their lives in camps.

The world stood by in silence during the Holocaust and is now turning another blind eye to the genocide in Darfur. It is beyond me "WHY?!"

Therefore, I am excited about this additional coverage, because it means that even more people will read about Darfur and get reminded that they can make a difference if they really choose to.

Here is the article:

OC Life Darfur Fundraiser Feature
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