Milk Maid After Vermeer

Milk Maid by Enzie Shahmiri after Vermeer

Milk Maid After Vermeer - Oil on Canvas - 16x20 in

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Vermeer was such a master in handling light and a long time ago I took it upon myself to try to reproduce his wonderful painting of the "Milk Maid". During the summer I was working on the painting again while at Art A Fair and have been tinkering with it now and then. I think it's time to let it go to a new home, so I will stop fussing over it. I never liked the typical no eyebrows and huge forehead of the Dutch era, so I change a few things. Call it artistic license if you like ~ I still like it better this way! :)

Here are some detail shots~

Milk Maid by Enzie Shahmiri after Vermeer
Milk Maid by Enzie Shahmiri after Vermeer
Milk Maid by Enzie Shahmiri after Vermeer
Milk Maid by Enzie Shahmiri after Vermeer
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