Honey Pears Original Oil Painting

Honey Pears - Orig. Oil Painting

8"x 10" Oil on Canvas

Original Sold

The painting is done in oil on canvas and measures unframed 8x10 inches. It was sold unframed.

Here is a little some thing I found on the symbolism of pears

Pears are sacred to Venus, the Roman goddess of love. An aphrodisiac, they enhance lust and passion by stimulating the Sacral Chakra. In many parts of Europe a tree is planted for a newborn child - a pear tree for a girl, and apple for a boy, as it was thought that these trees would protect against evil spirits. The Circassians plant pear trees to protect their cattle, and sometimes keep one in the house as a deity figure. In the Middle Ages, it was believed eating a pear would immediately induce sexual arousal. Pears were unknown in most ancient cultures, and it was not until the Romans that they were cultivated. In Boeotia, Athene was worshiped as Once, the Pear Tree. Perdix "partridge" was one of her sacred kings, who was thrown into the sea from a tower and carried to the heavens by Athena in the form of a bird. His name originally meant "the Lost One," and he was a form of Vishnu-Narayana, called Lord of the Pear Trees in his holy city of Badrinath in the Himalayas (from badri, "pear tree"). It is from him that we get the partridge in a pear tree of old English carols. Pears were also sacred to Hera. Her oldest image at Heraeum in Mycenae was made of pear wood.
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