Detailed description and Sale Status of Paintings

Just click on the thumbnail of the images below to be taken to each corresponding post where you can  view large close-up shots, read about the different stages of the painting's development and learn of it's availability. Should you see something that has sold, you can either order a canvas or paper print here or commission me contact me to paint a new painting to fit your specifications.


Amal Oil Painting Sudanese Girl Orig. Oil Painting by Enzie Shahmiri Anna Maria Wash in 2 Eshal Portrait in Oil Sand Castle Knights - Portraits in Oil by Enzie Shahmiri Sweet Dreams

The Court Dancer By Enzie Shahmiri

Sarah Oil Painting by Enzie Shahmiri Blue Tribe - Orig Oil Painting Gypsy Siegi Portrait in Oil by Enzie Shahmiri Jeune Mariée Finished Oil Portrait Renate Framed Iridescence ossanden_fnl8x10


The Rascal Dog Portrait by Enzie Shahmiri Tiffy - Dog Portrait in Oil by Enzie Shahmiri The Warriors Horse Oil Painting By Enzie Shahmiri Pugsy Bolonka Pet Portrait in Oil by Enzie Shahmiri Cat Portrait in Oil - Cooper

Old Master Copies

Milk Maid by Enzie Shahmiri after Vermeer

Shades of Grey

Sadhu - Orig Oil Painting

Santa Series

First Color Layer Santas Special Toys Jolly Santa Original Oil Painting by Enzie Shahmiri

Still Lifes

Kissed by the Moon Original Oil Painting by Enzie Shahmiri Irises Triptych Blueberries and  Cream Painting by Enzie Shahmiri Honey Pears - Original Oil Painting

Other Work


Portrait Commission Procedure What to expect
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