Cat Portrait Missing

Cat Portrait -

Cat Portrait -

This is the 2nd pet portrait I have painted for a client in Minneapolis. My client had ordered her Cavalier King Charles portrait from me and wanted the same background for her cat portrait.  

I thought the color of the background went really well with the cat's fur. However there has been a little snag. USPS has delivered the painting and someone has stolen it! Both my client and I are very bummed about this and are in the process of trying to get money from the insurance. 

Cat Painting from Photo to Painting

Every painting I send out is mailed via USPS and insurance is always added for just such mishaps. I wonder why anyone would want someone else's cat painting in their home?! All they have to do is drop the painting off in front of my client's door and it would save us all a lot of headaches dealing with USPS and insurance. Since none of my paintings have ever gone missing, I now will have to ask for signature confirmations as well, just as an added protection. Arghrrr.....

In the meantime, if you like to learn more about ordering a similar cat portrait click below for sizes and rates. 

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