Anna Marie Portrait

Anna Maria Sketch Anna Maria Sketch

I have started work on a new portrait and have done a rough line drawing of the head first with pencil. Then using Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pen (waterproof Indian Ink) I traced over all lines and erased my pencil marks.


posterized my reference photo, I have also indicated where my lights, mid tones and darks are going to be to assist in getting the wash in done as fast as possible.

Wash In

Anna Marie Oil Painting in Progress

Using Old Holland- Raw Umber mixed with medium the wash in was placed right over the drawing. The wash-in helps to get the form on the canvas quickly. Since the paint is very diluted, it is easily maneuverable and details such as in the choker can be quickly placed.


Anna Marie Oil Painting in Progress

Using the Posterize option in Photoshop I turned the reference photo into 4 values and quickly placed the corresponding values on the canvas.

Here you can read how to create

Color Swatches for a painting.

Update: Here is the finished painting ....

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