A New Commission

ballerina painting in progress

I am very excited to be able to paint another portrait of a former client's daughter. I love painting children and couldn't wait to be able to get started on this. 

After sifting through a bunch of photos and discovering that this little girl loves Disney princesses I thought "aha"! She probably would love to be painted as a little princess. So I decided to send my client my 1st portrait concept idea as you can see above. It is always quite a challenge to make a client understand your vision for a portrait. So, for now, I have to sit back, fingers crossed hoping that my client will like my 1st idea, otherwise it's back to the drawing board. I am super honored that I was chosen to paint a second portrait and am looking forward to taking my jolly good time until the portrait is stunning.here

To learn how you can order your very own custom painted portrait click below.

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