The Making of a Miniature Kitchen Counter Top and Sink

Building the kitchen countertop and sink 


This is going to be a super short post, but I wanted to share how I made the kitchen countertop and sink for Mrs. Maisel kitchen. In the video you can see the process how to cut out an opening for a sink in the counter top, so that the sink fits snugly in place. Behind the scenes, the walls are being glued in place into the room box. They are weighted down to make sure that walls adhere well to the wooden box and I let them sit for at least 24 hrs. The temptation of putting all walls up at once it there, but I need to make sure that nothing moves once the room box is shipped to the client. Once the walls are all glued down I will post closeups of the countertop and sink. The faucet shows red here, but it is also getting a color makeover. Here is the finished kitchen reveal
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