Super Cute Ghoulish Garden Halloween Décor

Animated Pumpkin

Animated Pumpkin with Dancing Vines via Target

Today we are going to bring the outdoor in. Well, not quite but you get the idea once you see these unusual plants that are part of Target's new display for Halloween. 

I love going to Target because it seems that every time I am there I discover something that I just must-have. The Haloween merchandise is already on display and there are just so many fun Halloween decorations to choose from. For 2019 with a twist on the usual, Target has introduced Ghoulish Garden Halloween Decor from Hyde & EEK! Boutique™that is just too cute! 

A series of vines and plants have crept into the planters and pumpkins to brighten our indoor spaces with a great sense for humor. 

 The pumpkin with its dancing vines sings "Give me, Give Candy..." Click on the link and you can watch the video - it's hilarious!

Ghoulish Garden Artificial Halloween Plane

Goulish Garden Artifical Halloween Plant

The Goulish Garden Artificial Halloween Plant has to be my favorite. It has already sold out at my local Target store and I am going to have to visit another one. I totally want this one!

Creepy Cloche Artifical Halloween Plant

Creepy Cloche Artifical Halloween Plant 

The creepy Cloche artificial plant has such a nice fuchsia color too! Decisions, decisions, yet soo much fun!

When everything is put together it just looks so pretty, don't you think?

Ghoulish Garden Decor

Ghoulish Garden Decor

For little knick nacks check out the Halloween dollar section. It's right by the entry of the store and there is always something good to be found. 

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