Labor for Love

Rows upon Rows
©Enzie Shahmiri

As I was strolling through the flower fields I saw workers bent under the hot California sun, picking flowers. It was a bit strange to see rather muscular Mexican migrant workers picking flowers and creating little bouquets of joy for someone they are never going to meet.

I'll make a Bouquet just for you
©Enzie Shahmiri

I wondered, do they pick flowers for their sweethearts? Do they even have the time or enough money to spend on such an unnecessary thing?

Coming to a Store near You
©Enzie Shahmiri

As I watched all I could think of was that I am goign to appreciate these flower bouquets even more and send a mental THANK YOU to all those who labor hard in the fields to supply the rest of us with some joy!

Ready to Go
©Enzie Shahmiri
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