Glowing Pumpkins

Sparkling Orange Postcard
Sparkling Orange Postcard
by thedustyphoenix

I love walking through neighborhoods during the holidays and seeing front lawns and entry ways lit up with clever holiday decorations. While browsing through my stack of ideas to utilize one day, I came across this lovely tutorial, which I thought I share today. 


Turn Pumpkin on it's side and use a knife to carve out a circular opening on the bottom . Make it large enough so that you can scrape out the flesh and seeds. A serrated loop tool comes in handy to scrape out the inner walls. 

Mark horizontal lines using a tape if you like evenly spaced holes. otherwise use a marker and place marks randomly. Using a drill make 1/4 inch sized holes in any pattern you like. 

Once all holes are drilled place your string lights inside and place one bulb in each opening. Then return the bottom making sure that the plug sticks out. Turn the pumkin right side up, plug it in a timer and watch as it starts to magically glow at night.  


Photo credit goes to Anna Williams, tutorial was saved from an October 1999 magazine of

Martha Stewart

The idea of placing Christmas lights in the pumpkin is an easy enough project to follow, that makes a great visual impact at night time. 


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