

Photo by Enzie ShahmiriRecently my gardener brought me an entire bag of Chayote. Since I did not catch the name the first time around, I had no idea what to do with this fruit. So thanks to a friend Chef Anahita Naderi I was directed to the Gourmet Sleuth where it basically said that Chayote is a native Mexican plant and of the squash family. It is also used in South American Cuisine and in Louisiana Cuisine.
First I tried it raw, because I read it's often used in salads. Raw it reminded me of a radish, minus the flavor. Then I fried it in some olive oil and seasoned it with salt and it resembled zucchinis. Finally I tried deep frying it in a home made batter to add some zest. Will share that recipe with you as well.

Beef Stew with Chayote Squash with tomates, red/green onions and shallot

Photo Courtesy of Shoeseal BajraApparently you can use it in stews, stuff it and bake it. What is your favorite recipe for Chayote?

We call it Merliton but some call it Chayote.

Photo courtesy of Robert Vernon
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