Difference Between Oleopasto Liquin and Impasto Mediums

Winsor Newton Liquin Impasto

One of the most challenging thing to overcome when painting with oils is drying time and creating thick texture. When Winsor and Newton shared this video about the Difference Between Impasto & Oleopasto Liquin Mediums I thought this is well worth sharing.

As you can see the same amount of medium mixed in with the same amount of paint creates a thicker texture that can be formed into peaks as needed. When the paint dries the amount of texture remains the same and does not go flat. Liquin mediums also help the drying time of oils to about 50%, which comes in very handy when you work on commissioned paintings.  The main difference between the two mediums is the sheen, Impasto Liquin Mediums dries to a glossy finish and Oleopasto to a flat finish.  Here is another video I found on other Liquin Mediums that you might enjoy.

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