Admiring the Painting

Chair with guitar

I love looking at Old Master painting and really study them. By looking closely you can really appreciate the thought that went into creating a painting. You see things that at first glance you might completely miss.

Admiring the painting detail

This is a painting by Robert Kemm (London, 1837 - 1895), who was an English romantic painter of genre scenes, and who painted some paintings that had an orientalist feel to them, like "admiring the Painting".  His work includes Andalusia landscapes and figures.

artist palette


It is not known if the artist asked this young girl to sit for him, but the fact that he has included his own palette makes it very likely. In a way, he is validating his visit and time spent painting in the East.

Girl painting by Robert Kemm

I love the intensity by which this young girl seems to look at a painting that is hidden from us. Her flushed cheeks are handled flawlessly. It makes me miss painting this type of scene and especially children. 

Here is the entire painting ...

admiring the painting

If you like to learn more about Orientalist Art I recommend this book, which can be ordered via Barnes and Nobles

Masterpieces of Orientalist Art

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