Pugsy has Sold

oil painting of a pug
Pugsy has been one of my early oil paintings that I did for a show. The painting has been on show in galleries in San Fransisco and in Laguna Beach and numerous weekend exhibits, but never found a home until last week. As a portrait painter one usually does not have paintings to show at shows, since commissioned work is sold and send away to whoever placed the order. So back then I had to paint a series of portraits that were meant to be shown as samples of my work. Pugsy was one of the first series of paintings done for that purpose. A loyal companion, Pugsy hung on many a wall and was often admired yet unlike some of his fellow show paintings - never taken home. Since all changed last week when someone who had always loved Pugsy decided to give him a home. He now too has travelled to another state. I will miss my little loyal companion and that face I have always adored. :)
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