Project Participant - UNHCR
Sudanese GIrl with Scarf 2 Canvas Print
by Auspicious
states on their web site the following:
The protection of 32.9 million uprooted people is the core mandate of UNHCR. The agency does this in several ways. Using the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention as its major tool, it ensures the basic human rights of vulnerable persons and that refugees will not be returned involuntarily to a country where they face persecution. Longer term, the organization helps civilians repatriate to their homeland, integrate in countries of asylum or resettle in third countries. Using a world wide field network, it also seeks to provide at least a minimum of shelter, food, water and medical care in the immediate aftermath of any refugee exodus.
I was fortunate enough to work with Caitlin Van Orden since 2007 when we started to talk about the "
"project. Here is what she recently had to say:
"This painting is a concrete way to provide humanitarian relief to the hundreds of thousands of people--mainly women and children--who have been forced to flee the unspeakable violence in Darfur. The proceeds from the sale of this work on ebay will go directly to support the UN Refugee Agency's operations in Darfur, providing protection, shelter, water, medical care and education. Please support this work!
Caitlin Van Orden
The UN Refugee Agency
Thank You
Please join this cause by posting this picture on your blog!
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Wise words from a great woman.