Oil Out Procedure

Oil Out


Gamblin Cold Pressed Lindseed Oil

Eye Dropper

Cotton Rag (old T-Shirts work well)


Dip the palette knife into the Lindseed Oil and place a few drops on the canvas. With a cotton rag spread oil evenly over canvas.


Rub a clean finger back and forth over oiled out canvas by applying slight pressure.If there is a slight sheen of oil on your finger it's just right. Too oily - wipe canvas down with a clean cotton rag too dry - add more oil drops and spread evenly


Oil out is used everytime the paint on the canvas has dried to the touch. It helps to revive coors and prevent the sunken in look associated with darker colors. It also makes the skin tones vibrant again and thereby assists in continuesly finding the correct values.

You can oil out specific areas of a painting, rather than the whole canvas, which comes in handy when having to rework a single area.


- An oil primed canvas is less absorbent than a regular canvas, therefore it will require less oil.

- In huimid or hot climates you can use Walnut Oil instead of Lindseed oil to prevent the paint from setting too fast.


Oil beads up - use a thicker, fatter oil such as sun thickened Lindseed Oil vs a mix of 50/50 oil+ Turp. If thicker oil is not at hand increase oil ratio to 50/50 mix.



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