Dog Portrait 688

 Golden Retriever Dog Portrait


This portrait was painted after my client received her 1st portrait order. SHe was so happy with the look that she ordered a 2nd portrait. FOr me that is the highest compliment I can receive.

Golden REtriever Face PAinting

I feel so blessed to be able to enter my studio each day and just create paintings, because I know that each and every one of them has such a special meaning for the recipient. My husband jokingly asks why I just not start giving away my paintings, since I spend so much time on each and every one of them. But honestly when you get to paint and clients love your work, it's such a huge reward as is. 

Orders have finally slowed down, since we are getting closer and closer to Christmas. I still have two more paintings to finish as of today. Well, better get to work again...


Here is a step by step video how I painted this dog portrait 


If you like to order a similar pet portrait click below for rates and order information.
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