Couple of Dogs

Finished Painting

Finished Painting

I put on the final touches on this painting and cleaned up the areas that needed fixing. More paint has been applied and more texture added. Below are some close-up's. It did not rain today, so I was able to take photos outside where I have better lighting than in my studio.

 Close-up of Monte

 Close-up of Monte

The fur has been build up to really show texture

The fur has been build up to really show texture

Detail of the Einstein's Head

Detail of the Einstein's Head

Detail of the sign

Detail of the sign

All that is left is the final varnish to dry and this painting can be mailed off as well. 

Two Dogs

Two Dogs

This painting includes elements that my client has asked for and this is as far as I have been able to take it for now. I need to let it dry, so I can continue the clean up work. Below are some more details...

Details of the painting

Details of the painting


Working on several paintings  and just wanted to quickly show you one of them. More later...

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