A trip to the Florist

Miniature Birdhouse

I have been working away at Mrs. Maisel's kitchen and needed to get some plants done for the window sill. So a trip to my miniature Florist was in order.

Miniature potting bench

As I was looking around for the right plants, I spotted some lovely plants that very promptly added to the shopping cart.

Miniature rabbit with cyclamen

One of my all time favorites has to be this rabbit holding Cyclamens. I actually bought this one in real life from Twinheart Miniatures during the San Diego Miniature show. 

Rabbit holding cyclamen pot

As much as I tried I could not find the right plants for the kitchen and ended up with a big Monstera plant (made by me) instead. I might use this one as a filler in Mrs. Maisel's kitchen. 

Monstera Plant in 1 12 scale

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