Garden Delights

Succulents in Hanging Basket


Succulents are easy to care for, actually they are the ideal plant for the one who always forgets to water. Mine have made a home in this hanging basket and...


Succulents are easy to care for, actually they are the ideal plant for the one who always forgets to water. Mine have made a home in this hanging basket and...

How to Make Concrete Garden Spheres

How to Make Concrete Garden Spheres

Garden spheres add a timeless element to any garden and it is amazingly easy to make them. I love these spheres and have started to collect some DIY tutorials to share...

How to Make Concrete Garden Spheres

Garden spheres add a timeless element to any garden and it is amazingly easy to make them. I love these spheres and have started to collect some DIY tutorials to share...

Gardening with Pots

Europe, Italy, Tuscany, Chianti, Tuscan doorway; by DanitaDelimont Pots are a common staple regardless if you own a large garden or have plants on a balcony. Planted pots add such character...

Gardening with Pots

Europe, Italy, Tuscany, Chianti, Tuscan doorway; by DanitaDelimont Pots are a common staple regardless if you own a large garden or have plants on a balcony. Planted pots add such character...

Watering SPikes by Ramini

Keeping Plants Alive While on Vacation

  Ramini Brands is sponsoring today’s post, but as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks for continuing to support brands that support me! Keeping plants alive while...

Keeping Plants Alive While on Vacation

  Ramini Brands is sponsoring today’s post, but as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks for continuing to support brands that support me! Keeping plants alive while...


How to Grow Potatoes in Bags

Potato Medley Pack Growing potatoes is very easy and very rewarding. All you really need is a container in which you can pile more soil as the plant starts to...

How to Grow Potatoes in Bags

Potato Medley Pack Growing potatoes is very easy and very rewarding. All you really need is a container in which you can pile more soil as the plant starts to...


How to keep Mosquitos at Bay in Ponds and Water...

#submersiblepump   I love the sound of water and have several fountains and bird baths set up. As beautiful as these water elements are, they are also wonderful breeding grounds...

How to keep Mosquitos at Bay in Ponds and Water...

#submersiblepump   I love the sound of water and have several fountains and bird baths set up. As beautiful as these water elements are, they are also wonderful breeding grounds...

Meet the Artist

"My Name is Enzie (NC) and I am a multi disciplinary artist based in southern California, USA.

I specialize in hand painted life-size pet portraits and custom-made miniature dioramas in various sizes.

Visit my blog to see what I am currently working on."

