Bee Hives


Photo by Enzie Shahmiri
When I was in Germany, I loved looking at the gardens and photographing things that caught my attention. I had never seen beehives in basket form and loved the way they fit into their setting.

Apparently someone else liked this image as well, because I was contacted by the editor of Lark books asking for permission to possibly  include this image in an upcoming book about 'Bee Keeeping'.

Lark books publishes Keeping Chickens and Homemade Living: Canning & Preserving with Ashley English.

The series aims to help people live a more sustainable lifestyle that teaches them how they can live a healthier lifestyle through doing away with preservatives and all the other junk that contaminates our food today.


Photo: Enzie Shahmiri
I love this idea! Ever since I have planted my own vegetables I have truly learned that home grown things taste so much different than what we find in super markets today. I have looked up the books and am eager to get my copy as soon as the new one goes to print.


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