The Crate that took the scenic route through time

Isabellas Crate
The crate destined for Isabella's detective agency seemed to have a magical ability to test the limits of time itself. It embarked on its journey with the enthusiasm of a snail. Months turned into seasons, and seasons turned into what felt like geological eras. Isabella even started a detective case to find the missing crate, assuming it had been abducted. When the crate finally arrived, it looked like it had aged a century, with it's lit slightly pried open and dinged up it looked like the crate had taken the scenic route through the space-time continuum." Isabella couldn't decide whether to interrogate the crate or grant it honorary detective status for its epic quest through the ages. She just hoped that her precious items were intact.
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"Mein Name ist Enzie (NC) und ich bin eine multidisziplinäre Künstlerin aus Südkalifornien, USA.

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