Miniature Pet Carrier DIY

Miniature Pet Carrier

As a pet owner I love to accessories my dollhouses with pets and of course pet supplies. Recently I put together this little pet carrier and hope that you will enjoy seeing how it all comes together.


Miniature Pet Carrier Bag by PortraitsbyNC


Let's start with the pieces for this 1/24 scale carrier. These pieces are made to snap together.

pet carrier pieces half scale

All the sides are attached to the base

pet carrier kit

Then the top pieces are added, which give the case a slightly rounded top.

pet carrier for dollhouse

Now how cute is this?

wooden pet carrier half scale

Using faux leather the pieces are cut to fit the front and back.

embellishments for pet carrier

A sharp needle is perfect to punch little holes on the border. I was thinking that this case could even be made with card stock and I will have to give that a try at a later time.

front of pet carrier

One big piece of faux leather gets wrapped around the case. Make sure that

everything is glued in place before moving on.

pet carrier half scale

Thin straps are cut for the handle and for the sides. The latter will hide

where the edges of the leather meet to give the case a finished look.


dollhouse pet carrier

I think it looks adorable - what do you think?

leather pet carrier
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"Mein Name ist Enzie (NC) und ich bin eine multidisziplinäre Künstlerin aus Südkalifornien, USA.

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Vielen Dank, dass Sie vorbeischauen und einen Künstler mit Ihrem Kauf unterstützen! "



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