🌟🏠 Bringing Memories to Life: The Miniature Living Room Diorama 🏠 Book Case

Miniature Bookshelf

This book case was giving me nightmares! 😱 There were so many tiny details to replicate, but I’m thrilled to say it’s finally finished. 🎉 Now I can focus on adding the light fixtures, and then this room box will be ready to send to its new owner. 🛠️✨

🌟🏠 Bringing Memories to Life: The Miniature Living Room Diorama 🏠 Bookshelf by Portraits and Miniatures by NC

Close up of miniature bookshelf

Including personal touches in a diorama, like photo frames and items the person owns, is crucial because it adds a layer of authenticity and emotional connection. These personalized elements make the miniature scene unique and meaningful, reflecting the individual's personality and memories. It transforms a simple model into a cherished keepsake that tells a story, creating a deeper bond between the creator and the recipient.

ikea baskets in miniature


The reference photo shows the items that needed to be replicated. I used a variety of materials like cardstock, resin, PLA, and clay to recreate these tiny 1/24 scale items. Each material was carefully chosen to match the textures and details of the original objects, ensuring the diorama feels as authentic and personalized as possible.


Items in miniature bookshelf

Here is the finished room box

🌟🏠 Bringing Memories to Life: The Miniature Living Room Diorama 🏠 by PortraitsbyNC
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"Mein Name ist Enzie (NC) und ich bin eine multidisziplinäre Künstlerin aus Südkalifornien, USA.

Ich spezialisiere mich auf in Auftrag gegebene Porträts von Haustieren und Menschen in Lebensgröße und handgefertigte Geschenkartikel. Meine Designs sind auch Merkmale einer Vielzahl von Dekorations- und Geschenkartikeln für den Sammler, der etwas Einzigartiges wünscht.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie vorbeischauen und einen Künstler mit Ihrem Kauf unterstützen! "



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