Neue Arbeit

Brown Doodle Dog Portrait

Watch the Magic Unfold: The Evolution of My Doo...

Step by step, stroke by stroke, witness the journey of my doodle as it transforms into a masterpiece! From a simple sketch to a burst of colors, follow along as...

Watch the Magic Unfold: The Evolution of My Doo...

Step by step, stroke by stroke, witness the journey of my doodle as it transforms into a masterpiece! From a simple sketch to a burst of colors, follow along as...

Dog Portrait in OIl

Portrait of Camden - 8x10in Oil portrait of a dog

I have been commissioned to paint a 8x10in oil portrait of a mixed breed called Camden. The video shows the work progression, which I hope you will enjoy looking at. 

Portrait of Camden - 8x10in Oil portrait of a dog

I have been commissioned to paint a 8x10in oil portrait of a mixed breed called Camden. The video shows the work progression, which I hope you will enjoy looking at. 

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

🎨 Ever wonder why artists paint self-portraits? 🤔 For many, it's a deeply personal exploration of identity, self-expression, and introspection. It allows artists to capture their own likeness, emotions, and...

Self Portrait

🎨 Ever wonder why artists paint self-portraits? 🤔 For many, it's a deeply personal exploration of identity, self-expression, and introspection. It allows artists to capture their own likeness, emotions, and...


Regal Paws: Dotti's Portrait in Oil

🎨🐾 Excited to share one of my latest commissions: a beautiful portrait in oil of Dotti the King Charles Spaniel! 🖼️🐶

Regal Paws: Dotti's Portrait in Oil

🎨🐾 Excited to share one of my latest commissions: a beautiful portrait in oil of Dotti the King Charles Spaniel! 🖼️🐶

Border Collie Painting

Masterpiece Unleashed: A Portrait of Border Collie

🐾 Just completed a new portrait of a beautiful Border Collie! 🎨✨ Did you know that Border Collies are considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds? 🧠

Masterpiece Unleashed: A Portrait of Border Collie

🐾 Just completed a new portrait of a beautiful Border Collie! 🎨✨ Did you know that Border Collies are considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds? 🧠

Appaloosa Horse Painting

Appaloosa Horse Painting

🎨 An Appaloosa horse against a vibrant blue sky, with expressive brushwork was the objective to bringing this magnificent creature to life!

Appaloosa Horse Painting

🎨 An Appaloosa horse against a vibrant blue sky, with expressive brushwork was the objective to bringing this magnificent creature to life!

Treffen Sie den Künstler

"Mein Name ist Enzie (NC) und ich bin eine multidisziplinäre Künstlerin aus Südkalifornien, USA.

Ich spezialisiere mich auf in Auftrag gegebene Porträts von Haustieren und Menschen in Lebensgröße und handgefertigte Geschenkartikel. Meine Designs sind auch Merkmale einer Vielzahl von Dekorations- und Geschenkartikeln für den Sammler, der etwas Einzigartiges wünscht.

Wenn Sie ein Kunsthandwerker oder Miniaturmaler sind, sehen Sie sich die Freebies-Sektion an .

Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Blog abonnieren, um zu sehen, an welchen Projekten ich als nächstes arbeiten werde.

Danke, dass Sie vorbeischauen und einen Künstler unterstützen! "

